Visual artist

Musonga Mbogo

Musonga Mbogo

Musonga Mbogo is a visual artist based on Ngunnawal and Ngambri land. Through his works, he tells a unique story of his Tanzanian and Zimbabwean roots and his Australian upbringing. Having already produced two solo exhibitions in collaboration with the Melbourne Fashion Festival and the Nishi Gallery, he has set out to present works which are palatably modern and equally Avant-garde.

Often times he examines complex issues of diaspora, ethnicity, hybrid identity and globalisation. The narratives which he presents are both ubiquitous and unique and audiences are invited to immerse themselves in his world, imagining themselves as characters in the stories. Each canvas is a collection of aspirations, anxieties and amalgamated cultural references – a true portrait of a young person navigating life as a ‘third culture’ kid.
